65 TR

Weight: 6.200 Kg
Engine Power: 61.2 HP

The Eurocomach 65TR

Thanks to the short round, the 65TR allows to work in narrow spaces with the performances of a higher ton range machine. In its standard configuration, this machine has front LED bars that ensure high visibility and a reduction of energy consumption. The versatility of the three pieces boom is the same as its predecessor – the ES60TR – combined with a new design and a more comfortable cabin.

The articulation of the three pieces boom favours all the operations of loads lifting and loads handling that makes this machine unique in its versatility within its ton range.

The side diesel engine is in optimal position for maintenance operations, it meets all new EU regulations on emissions Stage V and it ensures a higher level of performance.

Thanks to a wider access, the user can enter and exit the cabin comfortably, with the guarantee of a higher level of comfort and an operativity equal to that of higher ton range machines.

Weight: 6.200 Kg

Engine Power: 61.2 HP

Engine Brand: Kubota

No Cylinders: 4

Engine Displacement: 2.615 cc

Hydraulic Circuit Type: Load Sensing Closed Center System with Flow Sharing Control Valve

Hydraulic Pump Type: 1 Ls Variable Pump + 1 Gear Pump

Hydraulic Pump Displacement: 65 + 14.50 cc

Hydraulic Pump Capacity: 129 + 28.80 Lt/min

Max Digging Depth Standard Arm (optional arm): 3.950 (4.200) mm

Max Dumping Height Standard Arm (optional arm): 5.280 (5.510) mm

Bucket Breaking Force ISO 6015 - Standard Arm: 5.300 daN

Machine Width: 1.980 mm

Machine Height - Top Of Cab: 2.550 mm

Std Track Width: 400 mm

Color Options Available: Yes
